
フクロウ手拭(注染)第二段  Fleecy fledgling Owl [手拭]

IMG_20150626 (Large).jpg

綿梟 (めんふくろう)
¥1500 2015年

Lovely fledgling Ural Owl Strix uralensis was designed to Tenugui. This is the Bird Rescue Society of Japan’s second Tenugui. There's hidden picture.
Usually, “Men (face) -Fukuro (owl)” means Burn Owl Tyto alba in Japanese, but I took in the Japanese by using the Kanji character for “Men (cotton) -Fukuro”. Face and cotton is same pronunciation in Japanese. There is a fledgling Ural Owl in the tree hollow with ennui expression (Actually, she say “I’m hungry...” ?).

May in Japan is the month season for Wisteria and fledgling Ural Owl to leave their nest. I wish Ural Owl all happiness !


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